Of course the most exciting game wasn't televised but we watched it on the computer. Our Baylor Bears played a great game against Wake Forest and although the score ended up with our Bears winning 24-21, the Bears were in control the entire game. The score doesn't reflect the great game play by Baylor. I'm praying this means BU is going to be more of a contender than they have been in the past 15-20 years! LOL!!
We also got to spend some time today with some new friends. We welcomed the Shirley family to Sherman. Drew Shirley is the new weekend anchor at KXII and his wife Jennifer and sons Jay & Luke are so sweet. We didn't actually get to meet Luke because we dropped in during his nap time, but our boys loved playing with Jay's toys and Jennifer and I had a good time getting to know one another. We're so glad they're here and can't wait to introduce them all to more of our friends.
Tomorrow we head to Allen to celebrate our niece Emma's birthday. It will be another fun day with family!! And then we still have the Monday holiday to look forward to!