
All things new and improved

So...what do you think about our new look?!? I'm really happy with it. Ashley at Great Gabbie Designs did a really nice job of taking my big ol' wish list and then used her talents to come up with this cute design. Yeah! Of course now that means that I'm going to have to be better about blogging. We've got some fun stuff coming up so it shouldn't be too hard to get back into the swing of things. Of course, I may have to loosen up on my issue about having posts without pictures.

SO....this is what's been up with us so far this week. It's Texas Public Schools Week here in the great state and the boy's school had a Parent Involvement Night on Monday. Preston and the rest of his Kindergarten classmates were supposed to perform a music program that they've been working on but the poor music teacher has been out with the flu and it had to be rescheduled. Instead we visited the various booths and collected our door prize tickets. Next, everyone headed to the cafeteria where we ate pizza and spread out tickets hoping to win. Sadly we didn't win anything but we definitely had a great time visiting with our friends the Smith's and the Cobb's.

I also participated in another TPS Week activity by reading to the sweetest group of second graders at Terrell Elementary. I read Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato, Cindy Ellen -A Wild Western Cinderella and some other book about an albino squirrel (weird!) . After I was done, Jonathan Cannon a reporter I work with a lot interviewed me about the importance of reading. The story was on the front page of the paper today which was pretty neat.

That's all for now. Let me know what you think about the new design and drop by Ashley's blog and let her know too. I bet she'd appreciate hearing from you!

1 comment:

The Links said...

SOOOOOOOO cute! I love it! I expect lots of update on the Reed Boys from now on!!